Francie No Bangs Brunette Dressed In A Variation Snug Fuzz 7MS


Francie No Bangs Brunette Dressed In A Variation Snug Fuzz

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SKU: 7MS Category:


Francie No Bangs – 1971

Brunette with original orange outfit, panties, white square shoes, original hair band and original headcello. Long lashes and bubble gum bright pink lips. Great longest thick hair with tight thighs and knees that click. No pin pricks, green, or chews .Hardly any fading which is unheard of!  She’s a beautiful doll waiting for your collection. she is dressed in #1224 C/M Vested Interest, and her vest matches her plaid skirt and is not just a mass produced pink crocheted vest which makes this a variation piece! C/Mint