Marl and Brooke are pleased to announce our brand new website at Marlbe.com
You will find that it’s very user friendly with great photos and everything you always wanted, to shop for Barbie!
We have even added “PayPal” to our checkout and you can charge through PP if desired.
You can see all the just added items by clicking on latest and there are featured items as well. The SHOP Menu has everything in our store and can be searched and sorted.
We’ve added new lights to our camera area so the photos will be as real as they can be and exact.
All this “Goodness” was designed by our wonderful webmaster and designer Marc Remmen, better known as the GURU of fabulous websites. Webgunet.biz@gmail.com
As we say, grab a drink and take a trip down memory lane while viewing all the beautiful Vintage Barbie dolls, fashions and accessories that you have ever seen in one place.
We look forward to serving you and supplying you with the most wonderful Barbies and family for your collection!
We are “Simply The Best”
Marl and Brooke